Crowd Control

Our Management team has extensive experience in delivering successful outcomes to licensed venues, Gaming venues and major events in Australia. 

Complete Security Protection will deliver a quality service to each venue and event based upon key criteria that takes into account the customer requirements and risk assessment of each site. 

The services provided by Complete Security Protection include:

  • RSA certified Crowd Controllers for Licensed Venues approved by Liquor licensing Commission;
  • Crowd Management and Response for Major Events.

Our personnel are currently employed in:

  • Gaming Venues
  • Bar and Hotel Environments
  • Major Sporting Events
  • Night Clubs

Our systems are geared to service the needs of the hospitality sector and are in line with general industry practices, using the latest staff allocation and administrative tools available.

Looking for the Right Security Solution?

Complete the form below to talk to our Senior Security Consultants and get advice on the best security solution for you